Home Study Courses

There are tons of home study courses online for singing, but unless you have some idea of what a vocal lesson is or should be like, it is going to be difficult to tell a good course from one that wouldn't be all that helpful. This page will be where I review and recommend those that I have personally tried.

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The creators of Singorama were kind enough to offer me a review copy, which I just received. I'm still going through it at the moment, but if you'd like to go ahead and learn more about this online singing course on your own, just click on any of the images below and you will be taken to Singorama's official site.

However, if you feel you are ready to get Singorama, you get TWO packages to choose from (simply click on the image of your choice):

CHOICE 1: Get Digital Download Version + 66% OFF Hard Copy [optional] + 1-Month FREE Access to Singorama Platinum Inner Circle Membership [optional]


CHOICE 2: Get Physical Version of Singorama ONLY

I have no idea why the creators made the product image for the digital version of Singorama so much grander than its physical version, but nonetheless, you get the choice.

By the way, just so you know, the physical version costs more than twice the amount of the digital download version, and you would also have to wait the delivery time, unlike the digital version. BUT, don't you just love being be able to physically hold (and put on display) the CDs and books you've spent your hard-earned money on?

Anyway, Singorama also offers a bunch of other products and services, if you're interested. Simply click on any of the links below to learn more about the respective items.

Singorama's Platinum
Inner Circle Membership

A monthly subscription service where you pay $27 to receive monthly vocal coaching and performance tracks you could practise with. I'm considering joining this one by the way. Sounds pretty cool.

Singorama's FREE 5-part mini audio course
Well, it IS a FREE MINI course, so don't be too disappointed if you don't get a whole shipload of information, but it does provide you with some fundamental knowledge of singing that I'm sure you would still find useful.

Superior Songwriting
Ah, if you're looking to learn how to write songs, or already do, but would like to take your craft to the next level, check this one out! It looks pretty impressive...